Play 30 brain delicious puzzles for free!
Here at Spark Plug Games, we are tired of all of these games designed for those horrible people who just want to kill poor, innocent zombies all the time. They're just hungry!
So, we are asking that you try out this extremely tasteful puzzle game today – for free! Be one with your inner zombie and help satisfy those hunger pains. You know what it’s like to be counting down the clock to lunchtime, absolutely craving a burger (or veggie burger), don’t you? Just imagine that feeling every day. And instead of burgers, you’re craving brains. It could happen, right?
Help end zombie hunger today!
+ Play over 30 deliciously brainy puzzles
+ Support a savory cause by helping end zombie hunger
+ Appetizing store with plenty of tasteful accessories for your zombies
+ Available initially on Android platforms, iOS by Q3
+ It’s free! Some people say there’s no such thing as a free lunch. We beg to differ...
+ Network Communication, Full Internet Access - Required to make sure that the world is still there. But seriously, sometimes it's good to know what's happening outside the game, and in this case there's a really cool service called OpenFeint that we enable in the game so you can see the neat things that other people are doing (like getting fun achievements.)
+ Network Communication, View Network State - Required to allow really cool spiffy in-game purchase items, or even if you don't want to buy gold and crystals, you can get some great offers through the Tapjoy network. And when you do decide to buy some great shiny gold or crystals, we have to be told by Google when you've made that transaction.
+ Phone Calls, Read Phone State and Identity - Required to allow the Tapjoy network when it can access the offers for lots and lots of free stuff.
+ Storage, Modify/Delete USB Storage Contents Modify/Delete SD Card Contents - We really want to make sure you can save your games. It wouldn't be cool if you played your games and then couldn't save all the neat stuff you earned.
+ System Tools, Retrieve Running Applications - If you want to brag about the cool features you've unlocked, you can use OpenFeint. And OpenFeint likes to know if there's other applications that are also enabled with the same awesomeness that we are.