Your phone, Your choice, Your money.
Just Released Tooyoou App version 0.6.7 (03/12/2012) now you can sign up as a Tooyoou affiliate at and register new Tooyoou App users using your referral code for which we will share 10% of all our earnings for those new users with you as long as they keep using Tooyoou.
Also as a Tooyoou Affiliate if you sign up new advertisers we share 30% of all ad dollars they spend on Tooyoou advertising their business and products.
Now you will also earn POINTS just for using Tooyoou on top of 20% ad-bid value for each unique click on a new ad which we already share with you. You will be able to redeem Tooyoou points for cash and cool stuff at very soon.Your points will never expire.
As usual Tooyoou sends Paypal payments to App users on your Payment Date if your Tooyoou Account balance is greater than or equal to $5.00. If your Tooyoou Account Balance is below $5.00 you will retain the accrued balance but will be rolled over to the next Pay cycle.
Wi-Fi issue update - Skyhook Location SDK switches access points lookup on and off when getting a location fix. We are working with them to resolve notification issue.
***Update on Charge and Pay Model***
You are still getting paid for having the App and Ads on your home screen. Having said that we were compelled to make some changes to our system due to changes in agreements with our affiliates and advertising partners. These changes pertain to the fact that advertisers were unwilling to pay for impressions of ads just sitting on user's home screen but only for clicks. Previously we were sharing a percentage of the revenue from the impressions which we are unable to do anymore since we have moved to a CPC only charge and pay model. Please understand that users still earn 20% of the CPC on an Ad for their first click on the Ad. You will be able to notice that when you click on a new ad for the first time and check your money. Although inconvenient to our users we had to change our system since we can only pay you if we are able to sell advertising on your billboards.
You are still getting paid for having the App and Ads on your home screen. Having said that we were compelled to make some changes to our system due to changes in agreements with our affiliates and advertising partners. These changes pertain to the fact that advertisers were unwilling to pay for impressions of ads just sitting on user's home screen but only for clicks. Previously we were sharing a percentage of the revenue from the impressions which we are unable to do anymore since we have moved to a CPC only charge and pay model. Please understand that users still earn 20% of the CPC on an Ad for their first click on the Ad. You will be able to notice that when you click on a new ad for the first time and check your money. Although inconvenient to our users we had to change our system since we can only pay you if we are able to sell advertising on your billboards.
We are trying to get more advertisers to get interested to advertise on our platform but it has been difficult given the current economic climate and Tooyoou being such a young advertising platform.
You can find the details of the changes on our facebook page -
REMEMBER to keep Tooyoou WIDGET on your homescreen to keep seeing Ads and earning real money.
***Tooyoou is DATA-intensive so Unlimited DATA PLAN recommended***
Mobile Advertising as it exists is random, unrelated to the user's choice or intent and does not engage mobile users as it should. Information often is stolen to target advertisements at users and mobile users never have their say at what can be and what should be advertised to them at what time. Last but not the least users never get a piece of the pie in the mobile ad ecosystem.
We think we can do better than that! Tooyoou is an honest effort at getting mobile users have their say in mobile advertising and earn their piece of the pie. We don't steal information, we ask and compensate you for that. You get to make your choice at any point of the day on what can be advertised on your billboard and the max bids get to put their ad on your phone's homescreen. We share the ad revenue with you.
We believe since it's your phone, it should be your choice.
Tooyoou pronounced (to-you) is a free mobile application that allows a user of an Android smartphone to opt-in to display advertising directly on the phone’s home screen in exchange for a financial incentive earned over time.
**Please note this is an ALPHA release where you will only see Android App advertisements on your home screen. Please go easy on comments** Full features coming soon. Drop us an email at if you have problems using the App before leaving reviews. We will fix it for you!